alphonse elric

alphonse elric

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

long time no post

sorry i havent posted in a while  but oh well. i decided to become more active on deviant art and i added a few more pics but i added one that a fellow fma fan said she had drawn and i put it on my profile rite and like a minute later i check my messages and these girls are yelling at me to delete it saying u can't post things that someone else owns and im thinking my friend said this is her picture! but the kept hounding me to delete it! so i deleted it but they still won't leave me alone! what do you random blog lovin people think i should do?


  1. Well, what are they saying now that you deleted the pic?

  2. they keeep saying 'you better not add anymore stolen pictures' and such and it really is annoying

  3. What would do, is either make some sort of announcement on the main page of my DA, or tell each person who messaged you that it was accidental. Because once you tell all the people who saw that you posted that pic, there won't be anyone else to complain about it.

  4. Whoops. I meant "What *I* would do," not "What would do".
